History of the name of the country Venezuela.
Reverse of the coin.
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History of the name of the country Venezuela.
So here we have the Venezuelan centimo, nominal - 5. The year of issue of this coin is 1938. Total circulation – 6.000.000.
From 1830 to 1857 the official name of the country was Spanish: Estado de Venezuela ("State of Venezuela"). The 1858 constitution gave it the official name Spanish: República de Venezuela ("Republic of Venezuela"). After the Liberal Party (Partido Liberal) won power in the Federal War it called for a constitutional convention, to establish the constitution on federal principles.
On 28 March 1864, members of the convention met in Caracas to sign it. President Falcón ordered its publication and circulation on 13 April, and on 22 April it was finally ratified by the Ministers of the Interior and Justice, Finance, Development, and War and Sea.
The 1953 constitution included a transitional provision to change the official name from Estados Unidos de Venezuela ("United States of Venezuela") to República de Venezuela ("Republic of Venezuela"). The next constitution, of 1961, confirmed the new name. Venezuela is currently, under the new Constitution of 1999, officially known as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.